Saturday, February 22, 2014

The beginning of 2014.

Not so much of the beginning since it's almost the end of February. So soon! Clock is ticking, there's no time to slack. Though I crave for it.. some relaxing time to recuperate.. and find a little peace! Maybe age is catching up, I do prefer to do relaxing stuffs than those which drains my energy away.

Anyway, in another month, the first quarter of the year will be gone! 
What have you done so far? Or what have you planned and yet to accomplish? 

I would say studying. Plan to study from time to time about a few things. 
To learn new things, and explore new hobbies. 
To find a little passion in things I do. Alright, maybe more than a little!

I've always been that 'sui-bian' girl around. But I realised how unorganised I've become.

Surfer chick!
To be honest, suck quite a bit in surfing! But it's something new! <3

Ouhs and I am always a fan of making mental notes about stuffs to do and forget about them until the next day, or until other people mention them! Hmm okay, shouldn't laugh it our loud.. It's really bad! If there were  massages to be passed to another and I forget about it completely. It's not alright! So, yeah.. To change that habit also. 

Okay, maybe not too much for this first quarter of the year.. But I shall start planning my journey ahead like that!
Of course I wouldn't mind if life blesses me with surprises from time to time. Be it good or bad, I take it all in and turn it into a learning experience.

Positive +++++ energy. Ouh, although the same charge repels. I would like to gain more positive energy around me to keep me pumped up for the time being! Woot! 

To myself for the first quarter of the year! 


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