Monday, December 6, 2010

So guai.

I've been the goodie-goodie-stay-at-home-girl lately! So proud of myself for not tossing cash away!
But it could be better if I actually use all the free time wisely.
Procrastination is something I do on a daily basis now.

Maybe because the pressure isn't present! BAD.

I've been sleeping more than I should! If it's only the rain here and makes it all cozy for me to take naps..
I really wonder how it's gonna be like next year, when I'm in Glasgow. So cold, I'm just gonna hug myself under my blanket and refuse to get up!

Anyhoot! I MUST REMIND myself to take photos! Lol. Soooo dead on the photos-to-store-department already!

Oh, I think I shall fix my back, and probably thumb (if I could)! Hopes the saying, 'Better late than never' applies!!

So should be going for Herbal Sauna and get all steamed up smelling like 5-spices!
Steam-ed up. LOL.
The drawback is that you're supposed to rest for 2 hours before taking a shower. Then, that'll be like 3 hours of my day gone! Okay, I'm not doing it daily.. It's okay.*pats self*

I'll introduce you to this place in time to come, provided that I bring my camera!


wuahah.. MJ so kiuttt (>.<)

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